Difficult film - Svema Micrat

Right, well let's see if I can add to the confusion! ;

Having recently found something that I had spent ages looking for elsewhere on Scribd.com, I thought I see what there was on MIcrat. There was one document and it appears to be a goods listing for a photographic shop in Malaysia! Anyway (as you can see) it lists two variants of Micrat, Orto and N (a blue sensitive emulsion). Orto is listed as ISO 30 and N as ISO 80. However, a development listing for the Orto variant on Digitaltruth.com suggests that the sensitivity is ISO 0.75! This is reinforced by this blog entry as well.

None of this helps you of course, but it does suggest that what you have is not what it is supposed to be (or the blue sensitivity is throwing things out). Tricky indeed.

Have you made any progress with it?

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