Digital Camera For The First Time In Three Weeks

Steve Boykin

Well-Known Member
The temperature finally dropped into the 80's today. I took the digital camera out for the first time since starting this film class. Honestly, pain in the rear that it is, I think I prefer shooting film with that clunking Kiev 88 Hasselbladski. Man that camera is temperamental. Using it is almost like being married again.....

If I can ever figure out how to scan the prints we are making in class, I will post something. It's an awful lot of work to get three prints. On the other hand it's sort of like being a kid again (I'm kind of messy in the darkroom much to the professor's consternation). Anyway, I took these this AM with the Fuji. One thing for sure, this is the only digital camera I've used I really like, temperamental as it is......:)


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Wondered how you were getting on. Looks like a scanner will be on the shopping list soon then. But in the mean time a fine bunch of portraits if the gang, especially the fourth. Nice. :)

I'm looking at scanners...... However, I did just click "Buy it Now" on a Mir 38B about an hour ago. It's the closet thing I could find to a 35mm lens for medium format. I think I need an intervention. :(

Can you get a scanner that does both negatives and prints? There is just something about the way B/W prints from an enlarger look as opposed to a print from my Canon ink jet printer. I really prefer the enlarger prints.
Your are correct @Pete Askew. @Brian Moore uses the V500. With it he can scan 35mm negs and slides, as well as 120 negs. He can also scan prints. Although he has never tried to scan a large print, he doesn't see why he could not scan a 10 x 8. Indeed, the glass surface of his V500 scanner measures 8.5 x 12 inches. :)
Your are correct @Pete Askew. @Brian Moore uses the V500. With it he can scan 35mm negs and slides, as well as 120 negs. He can also scan prints. Although he has never tried to scan a large print, he doesn't see why he could not scan a 10 x 8. Indeed, the glass surface of his V500 scanner measures 8.5 x 12 inches. :)

What does the @ doohickey mean/signify. Do you guys have some kind of website? Is this yet another one of those internet/hip/in the know things I'm out of the loop on. Today on the BBC World service that kept talking about "hash tags" (or is it one word) that some terrorist group in Somalia was using on their tweets. I don't even know how to tweet much less what a "hash tag" is. I really felt lost. A few weeks ago I was in a conversation with people at work about "twerking." I just pretended like I knew what it was then looked up it up later.

Well no matter, I will look at the V500 and V750. Thanks guys!!! It's probably November for my birthday but now I know where to start looking. I am printing on 8 x 10 Ilford paper right now. In a couple of weeks I might start printing on 11 x 14 since I'm shooting a square format.
Hi Steve. No nothing to do with tweets etc (social networking is utterly alien to me!). If you start a name, for example @Steve Boykin , like this, it will send an alert to that person that they have been mentioned specifically in a post. In this instance I did it to ensure that Brian spotted the question about the scanner. It looks a bit odd I know but does seem to be quite useful. As another example I want to point out to @Brian Moore that I was referring to the size of a 10x8 negative rather than a print (the V500 can do just over A4 I believe reflective). I assume that you can also just place the negatives on the glass as well as using holders so I guess the size range is actually the same as the V750.
@Pete Askew: Got it! Apologies owed Pete: I thought you'd lost your marbles the way you ware talking. What you said makes sense now that I know you meant 10x8 neg. (#big!:D) But Steve's not shooting with a camera that's taking 10x8 negs, that's why I assumed 10x8 prints were your subject. (#confusion.:confused:)

Good to hear from you Steve - looking forward to seeing how the film stuff works out

I find film slows me down - and that's often a good thing :)