Distant picnic

Dan Cattermole

Dan Down - The Steampunk Womble
Another old one folks sorry,
Bit this one my need a bit of adjusting/cropping maybe? Or is it okay as it is?

This was take with my 70-300mm. It's most certainly not the sharpest handheld shot I've ever done (partly because I couldn't get away from the ISO 100 addiction) :D :D

What do you think peeps?


Thanks for looking :)
I'd have cropped it from the sides, leaving about a third of the tree on either side to provide a frame to the picture. Don't crop it vertically.
It almost has the feel of an antigue glass slide somehow.
I like it though....
It is a heavy vignetting your right there pete... I don't think I have the original anymore, I must of taken this a year back or so... And deleted the RAW file. This is something that I could learn from in future, approaching these types of situations differently next time. And thinking about it before I point, shoot, then try and scrub up afterwards..... And even then on this occasion is doesn't turn out well. Lol.

Cropping it like that sounds like a plan Ade, I do understand what you mean, I'll give that a go later.

Thanks guys :)
Sorry Brian, I got distracted. Lol
Or.. Is that to say you prefer no crop or wanting to see the cropped version? :)
Thanks Dave....... I'm lost what to do with it now. :D :D
Dan as your confused I shall clarify what you should do with it:

A 16:9 square crop leaving the sides untouched but getting rid of the most of the tree trunks on the left and right side. Then you need to remove the vignette and replace it with an oval frame that gradually gets darker as it gets closer to the edge.

Hope this helps!
Yes!! That helps, I'm going to explore with it tomorrow, or very soon. Thanks Paul, many thanks. :) :)