DIY Camera - New Firmware Update

The manufacturers of the DIY LF Camera (http://www.realphotographersforum.c...format-paper-negative-diy-camera-project.html) are pleased to announce a long awaited Firmware update. This update introduces the new ultra slow focusing system plus a reinforced lens board that should significantly reduce the number of premature shutter closures. The new enhancements are illustrated below.

An overview showing the ultra slow focusing system fitted.


And a bit closer showing one of the two focusing screws.


There is a focusing screw on both sides of the camera facilitating yaw-free focusing.


The focusing knobs are captive on the main body and turn a stainless steel threaded rod that runs through a stainless steel threaded bush attached to the lens panel / forward body section.


By turning both knobs simultaneously, yaw-free movement of the new, reinforced (double thickness plus braces) lens panel / forward body section is achieved. It is slow but accurate and makes lurched from front to back out of focus a thing of the past! ;) But switching from close to near objects takes bloody ages!


All images taken with a Nikon D3 + Nikkor 24 - 70 f1:2.8 at f1:2.8. PP in LR and Nik ColorFX Pro 4.
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Did you download that firmware update through your computer?

How do the top hats manage to stay on the corners of the couch?
Looks an awesome firmware update that :D you could probably mount an epic lens hood on the front of that now using the end of those screw threads just like my CR9 lol :D
Now that the glue has fully cured, I have been able to test the new focusing system and it is much quicker than I anticipated. By spinning the threaded rods, coarse focus can be achieved quite quickly and it achieves infinity focus (I thought I might have compromised that with the mounting blocks - not that it would have been a problem as it is, due to the paper negatives, a studio-based camera). Once you are near the final focus point you can revert to the two control wheels to give finer control. It actually works much, much better than I originally anticipated. :)
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