Thomas brookes

RPF Chief iPhone app Reviewer
Hi all, I have been pondering this for a while now...

in regards to portrait work.

Does the face have to tell the story?

I know this man and was wondering if that is the reason why I find this photo intriguing or has he just got “one of those faces”

when I see a portrait that catches my eye my brain automatically writes them a personality a story a past. I decide if I would like them or not. if they would be friendly or hostile.

does one face tell a thousand different stories to the people that view it? Or would there be some sort of similarity between what we all think?

so I thought we could play a little game . Im interested to hear your thoughts about him his past his personality? What he does? what he is like as a person? What his face says to you personaly Just a brief run down of him and then eventually I will reveal the truth about him

thanks for looking

Well, I think as a young man he worked as a porter in a fruit and veg. market and used to do a bit of amateur boxing to keep him off the streets. Then came National Service in the Navy and he spent his time in the Far East. Liked the life and so joined the navy and after the a few years left and joined the merchant navy, working as a crewman on freighters at first and later, as a trainee engineer, on a cruise ship around Scandinavia. That's where he met Betty, his future wife. They got tired of the nomadic life and returned to England where Tony got a job in an engineering workshop. Worked for the same firm until he retired and still potters in the shed. He and Betty grew their own veg in the back garden of their Victorian terrace and he still does but Betty died of a stroke 2 years ago. Their son and daughter live nearby but there are no grandchildren yet. He's still a bit of a lad and likes a pint on a Friday night and he gets on well with the neighbors and the kids 2 doors down like to hear the stories from the ships and to see the big old lathe he has in the garden shed...
I like the PP and especially the contrast (and the story, Pete!), which gives it a very 3 dimensional feel. But I agree that it may be better with a tad of desaturation on the red channel.
looks like a nice bloke you wouldn't want to cross to me ..
he also looks as though he is older than he looks .... or at least he might be older than he feels
i reckon he drinks in the plumbers arms!
I like this Tom ...
Try a b&w conversion, black out the background, sharpen a bit, and be fairly heavy on on the contrast and "clarity" ... See what that does ... I think it might make quite a strong shot ...