Is this the greatest photo ever taken?

Rob MacKillop

Edinburgh Correspondent

Subjective, I know, but I’m happy to choose it as my favourite. Everything about it is just perfect. Was it a one-off, or did they spend a whole roll trying to get it right? Either way, talk about a decisive moment. And I love the guy looking on through the railings - he makes me think I’m opposite him, also looking through the railing.

Feel free to share the one image you would choose - even if it is one of your own 😍
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Subjective, I know, but I’m happy to choose it as my favourite. Everything about it is just perfect. Was it a one-off, or did they spend a whole roll trying to get it right? Either way, talk about a decisive moment. And I love the guy looking on through the railings - he makes me think I’m opposite him, also looking through the railing.

Feel free to share the one image you would choose - even if it is one of your own 😍

I am very ignorant when it comes to photographers and photographs that have made history, but definitely this is a great photo that never tires because every time you see it you discover something new. I don't think Cartier-Bresson was naive enough to take improvised photos, I guess there is a study underneath, but I may be wrong.
Yes, I know. Read my first sentence.
I did, of course. But then why did you give the thread the title it has? The only reason I can see, I'm afraid, is the reason that magazines list 'greatest movies' and 'greatest albums': the desire for engagement, for eyeballs. In this case it doesn't matter, but more widely it really does. I think it's a thing really worth avoiding. Obviously just my opinion, which is worth what you paid for it.
Certainly completely fits C-B's "decisive moment" he always talked about. I hadn't appreciated the guy looking through the fence before. It does suggest there might have been a bit of preparation before this was taken and he had been watching the proceedings.

I also wonder now whether the decisive moment was when the striding gent discovered he had found the one deep pothole!

This definitely one of the best but there are so many really I would hesitate to try and pick out just one. Some I return to depending on my mood mostly so favourite is indeed the word to use.