Just for Show Domestic violence

We do indeed. And we want to see what you get out of that XT1 (once you have glued it back together of course). :)
I knew it, you want something in return for I still to be staying with you. Exploitation of a human body and particularly my competance is another phrase to that.:eek: I am apalled!:( What's in it for me?:D
How's your hand now, by the way? My thumb has made an almost complete recovery, just a bit sensitive still due to the new layer of skin.
It is back in working order thank you Pete, but unfortunately it took part in the failure on my scullbox. Hardly a visible scar, but a strange sizzling feeling comes and goes from the wound place, making me believe that a nerve was affected. No big thing though! I am glad your "hand" is back in order:):D
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