Critique Welcomed Door to the Garden - Clarity Abuse

I gives it a sort of small scale model look Hamish

So the D3 still works then? ;)
I think I'd darken doon the left side and, like Pete suggested, emphasize the light coming in the windies and doors. What's that thing--an artifact of some sort--up toward the top left corner? Maybe a security cam? I'd darken that away to be sure. But it's a cool shot Hamish!
Cheers for the thoughts ... I'll have a look when I get to work ...
I don't know how people cope with just using a tiny laptop screen!

D3 does work Chris ... Although its not mine anymore! The business has bought it so I can have a d700 :)
I'm not quite sure about how much it disappears to shadow now ...
really struggling with personal work at the mo ... I know I keep harping on about it, but it's driving me nuts

Work work on the other hand is going fine ... Really pleased with the job I did literally moments after these were taken!
Ill post some when it's been cleared with the people in the images