DSLR Video Rig

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent
Shooting the autocross event today, there was a camera crew with crane and DSLR, shooting HD video.

The crane was a stunning piece of kit, on a dolly, which allowed them to fly the camera.


The camera was a Panasonic DSLR, and was mounted at the end of the crane with what looked to be a fairly wide angle lens fitted.


The whole rig was operated by one guy, with an assistant to steer him when they needed to relocate the rig.


The operator had a color monitor rigged up to view the camera output in real time - and allow accurate positioning of the camera around the subject cars.


Very cool kit - I WANT ONE! :D
Nice and I bet he got some nice footage. I wonder if he was using the standard firmware or one of the hacked versions with the higher frame rates. I'm surprised he wasn't recording remotely as well as the out put from the HDMI is clean and it would be easier to change cards, HDD's etc with the crane setup.