Especially for Pete...

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent
...and others who enjoy the equal sided style of photography :)

One of the almost hidden features of the new Fuji X-Pro1, is the ability to shoot in different formats than the traditional 3:2.

You can shoot 16:9 (Widescreen), and also 1:1 (Square).

Now some of you might say 'Chris, why not shoot 3:2 and crop in PP later?'

Well, that's posible, and indeed I have done that - but here's the thing...

If you set 1:1 when you're shooting, it changes your compositions - you see the world differently and take different photographs - I'm sure regular square format shooters on here will agree?

So, today I set the X-Pro1 to 1:1, which puts a nice square gridline in the head-up display in the OVF and crops the rear LCD to square, and headed off to the lagoon to get my square on. :p

All shots used the 35mm f/1.4 Lens, Velvia 'film' mode, and a CPL filter.






The final shot used a deliberately slow shutter speed to allow the evening breeze to move and blur the grasses. Thanks to Rense for putting that idea in my head today :)

Great fun - definitely a challenge to shoot square, but it generated new perspectives and compositions, and was very rewarding. :)
That Velvia sure is nice film. Lovely set there, Chris. I especially like the bluebells, or whatever they are. But they're all very nice.
Stunning shots, especially the last. I think I can do similar things with the X100, so must try out the square format sometime. Really lovely shots, Chris.
And you're not wrong Chris, I love them. That movement one looks like a 3D image on a glass-screened MBP! And your comment about seeing a square world (wasn't that Michael Bentine?) when you have used a square format for a while. I can see the use of such an in-camera crop being very useful. When I took the shots of the /60's70's detailss ( and the attic ( I knew they were going to be square and composed to allow me to select the central portion of the frame just as you have done here. However, having the frame line there means you can get your diagonals spot-on in camera and position the elements with more care just as with a 6x6 camera. Did you find the shooting style as quick as with the standard format?

A great feature and a superb series Chris.
Thanks gentlemen! :)

Michael Bentine, now that brings back memories - what a genius :D

Pete, composition was slower at first, as I got my brain into square mode, but after a while it started to speed up and I was able to visualize square images as I looked at the scenery. Very good practice. There's even a special Flickr group for 1:1 X-Pro1 shooters.
I love shooting square ... I find it a lot easier ... well i would if my blad wasnt still at the repairers!!
I wonder if they will ever make that a feature of the x100?
lovely shots by the way!
Thanks Hamish - what's up with the Bladster?
Dicky rear shutter, overlapping first two shots on the roll from the back, failing parts I the meter and missing grip from te lens ... But even after paying for all those things to be fixed (£200) I will still have paid less than I should for it do I don't mind... I'll also have a fully serviced blad which means I should get a good 10 years out of it before it needs looking at again at least!