Be critical if you want to be critical Tom, put your money where you mouth is, rather than talking around the subject.
I'd love to see more critique around here, I'd love to see more members, posting more regularly... Maybe you're the man to catalyse a change around here toward more constructive criticism, and maybe that in turn would make more people engage and stay here...?
But also maybe that would just turn this place into the same as every other forum, where the man with the loudest voice (figuratively speaking), only just over shadows all the other shouting fools wasting their breath on the internet, forgetting that for quite a few people out there, photography is just fun, is just a bit of t&a, is just an escape, a past time, and just something to enjoy for their own reasons; and then share with a few other like minded folks in a quiet unassuming corner of the internet.
Maybe not ... I guess time will tell ...
I must admit to having found many of your posts interesting and engaging. I don't post very often any more myself (and I made the place), and you have certainly inspired me to post something!
Watch the patronising tone though please, we longest standing members have 4 years of discussion behind us here. Much of what you say has been covered. And whilst I welcome covering any of it again, let's do it in a way that we can all enjoy it yeah? The last guy who started down the "Stroking the ego of a bad photographer, just makes a bad photographer" road eventually contacted me personally asking to be banned after finding he had little self control in picking at people but was terminally frustrated by other members here not giving a shit for his commentary. His name was Lee Webb, look him up if you like
In short, be critical if you like, open discussion on people's posts about their images ... I'd love to hear your thoughts on my photos ... But don't be a clever dick about it, it gets tedious really fucking quickly, and I haven't got the time or inclination to go through the time consuming and predictable process of dealing with people complaining about you etc etc ...
Hope you don't mind the forthright comment, you strike me as the sort that would respond positively to it?