Rob MacKillop
Edinburgh Correspondent
Taken with the Mamiya 6 (non folding) and its 50mm lens and orange filter.

This is exactly how it came from the scan. I could lighten it up here and there, but wanted to share it as is. The lab was Jack's Lab in the south of England. First time I've used them. I'm not sure if I should have used the orange filter, but overall I'm quite pleased with it. There's a big 'however', though:
HOWEVER, it was the only shot that came out from 12. Four others show some features, but are almost completely underexposed. I find it hard to view the red-lit exposure meter on the far-left side of the viewfinder, so I bought the ttArtisan cold-shoe meter which has had good reviews. It's easy to use, but clearly one exposure out of 12 is not good! Pity, as I love the camera and its three lenses. So I might buy the Sekonic Twinmate L-208, which does both incident and reflected readings. I've used the camera before - early summer last year in Oxford - with a much higher hit rate, 10 out of 12 or there abouts for three films. That time my eyesight was better. I've since had a virus for 12 weeks (and counting), for which I've had to add eyedrops every hour, as the eye is completely dry, and I found it impossible to view the viewfinder readings, as mentioned.
I have at least a dozen rolls left, 35 and 120 film, so would like to get 12/12 or 36/36 hits for each!

This is exactly how it came from the scan. I could lighten it up here and there, but wanted to share it as is. The lab was Jack's Lab in the south of England. First time I've used them. I'm not sure if I should have used the orange filter, but overall I'm quite pleased with it. There's a big 'however', though:
HOWEVER, it was the only shot that came out from 12. Four others show some features, but are almost completely underexposed. I find it hard to view the red-lit exposure meter on the far-left side of the viewfinder, so I bought the ttArtisan cold-shoe meter which has had good reviews. It's easy to use, but clearly one exposure out of 12 is not good! Pity, as I love the camera and its three lenses. So I might buy the Sekonic Twinmate L-208, which does both incident and reflected readings. I've used the camera before - early summer last year in Oxford - with a much higher hit rate, 10 out of 12 or there abouts for three films. That time my eyesight was better. I've since had a virus for 12 weeks (and counting), for which I've had to add eyedrops every hour, as the eye is completely dry, and I found it impossible to view the viewfinder readings, as mentioned.
I have at least a dozen rolls left, 35 and 120 film, so would like to get 12/12 or 36/36 hits for each!