Fast Primes - Is your AF good enough?

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent
Having recently moved into the wonderful world of fast prime lenses, I have also been coming to terms with getting a good keeper rate when shooting with these lenses at close quarters, wide open.

My 5D2 has a somewhat 'outdated' AF system, when compared to the newer 7D, and especially any 1D series body.

It only has 9 selectable AF points, with just the central AF point being a higher quality cross type sensor.


I've tried using individual perimeter AF points for low light, small DOF AF, but the results have yet to get me the consistent hit rate I'm after, when shooting in close proximity to the subject.

i.e. worse case scenario - ultra narrow DOF, low lighting/contrast, and minimal focus distance.

I've pretty much had to resort to using the central AF point, and recomposing after AF lock (a problem in itself for critical focus)

I've been puzzling over this, until I found this excellent write-up by 'Its RKM' on DPReview:

As others have replied, it is mainly the poor performance of the outer points that people complain about, but there is more to it than just that: the centre point is only better than the outer points in terms of its performance with vertical structure (eg. lines) - its AF performance with horizontal detail is just as bad as the outer points. It is the vast difference in the focus precision with vertical detail over horizontal detail that makes the centre AF point acceptable at all.

When Canon refer to the centre AF point on the 5D/5DII being a "cross type" they mean a "+" cross rather than an "X" cross (as they have in the 7D, for example). To understand the difference you have to realise that the AF sensors are really just linear sensors, sensitive to edge detail crossing the length of the sensor. If the edges are at an angle to the sensor then the AF is only sensitive to the component of the detail along its length - ie. the cosine of the angle between the detail and the AF axis.

In other words, the sensitivity of the AF is maximum with lines parallel to the AF axis (at 90deg to the linear sensor), and reduces as the angle between the lines and the AF axis increases, eventually falling to zero sensitivity when the lines are perpendicular to the AF axis.

That probably reads as overly complex, but it is easier to understand and demonstrate with the camera itself. Just select any of the single axis AF sensors, ie. the outer sensors, noting that each of the outer AF points is shown as a small rectangle in the viewfinder, not a square. Point the sensor at a scene with only a sharp black/white edge, such as a the edge of a white sheet of paper on a black background crossing the AF sensor. When the black/white edge is parallel to the short edge of the AF marker, the camera focusses with maximum accuracy and this falls off as the edge rotates relative to the sensor. When the edge is parallel to the long edge of the AF marker the camera cannot focus at all - the AF sensor has no sensitivity along that axis at all. Focus sensitivity is the cosine of the angle between the edge and the AF axis, maximum at zero, minimum at 90deg.

Obviously, with a cross-type sensor you never get into the situation where the AF sensor has no sensitivity to image detail. As the lines of detail approach angles with minimum sensitivity in one axis of the cross they also reach maximum sensitivity with the other axis of the cross. This makes the centre point on the 5D/5DII AF much more robust and reliable than the outer points but, again, there is more to its performance benefits than just reliability. It can also be more precise, especially with fast glass.

The central AF sensor is actually 3 AF sensors in one: one for each axis of the "+" cross, but also a third, high precision, AF sensor aligned with the "-" axis of the cross and sensitive only to vertical edges. This third AF component of the cross-type sensor becomes active with lenses which have an aperture of f/2.8 or faster. So only two AF sensors work at any one time. If the lens is slower than f/2.8 then both axes of the cross-type sensor work in low precision mode; with lenses faster than f/2.8 a high precision sensor sensitive to vertical detail kicks in, although sensitivity to horizontal detail remains at standard precision. The difference between these two is very significant and further enhances the performance of the central AF point over the outer points.

On one of their Lenswork publications, which I don't have at my fingertips at the moment, Canon claim the precision of their standard AF sensor is equal or better than the DoF, whilst their hight precision AF sensor is equal or better than one third of the DoF. On the face of it, that looks like the high precision AF sensor is 3x better than standard AF. However, this is the performance of the sensor at the working aperture of the AF itself. The standard AF sensors work at f/5.6 (this being the separation of the outer edges of sensitivity of the two optical ports that the AF "sees" through the lens), whilst the high precision AF sensor works at f/2.8. The depth of focus at f/2.8 is half the depth of focus at f/5.6, so the high precision AF sensor is actually 6x more precise than the standard AF sensors - and that is where the real benefit of the centre point comes in.

Consequently, if you are shooting at f/1.4, where the depth of focus is a quarter of that at f/5.6, the outer AF sensors can only get within 4x the depth of field - almost useless. However the depth of focus at f/1.4 is half that of the f/2.8 aperture of the high precision central AF sensor, so that can still achieve focus within 2/3 of the depth of field - 6x better and a critical advantage.

These comparisons are, of course, under optimal conditions with the edges of the detail perpendicular to the AF sensor. However the difference is so significant that even with detail which isn't perfectly aligned with the AF axes, the high precision sensor still dominates the performance of the central AF sensor in the 5D/5DII system. When only the standard precision sensors function the crossover between the vertical and horizontal axes occurs around 45 deg, where the precision of the AF has reduced to 70% of the optimum performance. When the high precision vertical sensor functions and the crossover between the two AF sensors occurs around 80 deg, so performance never falls below 98% of optimum for the standard AF sensor.

So the difference between the central AF and the outer points on the 5D/5DII is significant, not just in precision, but in reliability. Quite often, the outer points will hunt and fail to focus completely whilst under the same conditions the central AF point will work and still give better AF accuracy, especially with fast glass.

So if he's right - now I have an excuse for my poor technique! :D
When I was still at the shop we had a Canon rep in, I was complaining about shoddy customer service of all camera manufacturers but after a time it seemed to develop in to a "Canon are best at everything" from him and a "woe mate I beg to differ" from me...
Anyway, I learned a few things during that "debate", one of which was this concept of cross type focus points ... Aparently the latest canon had more than the latest Nikon ... Who ****ing cares???
So, yeah... I had always found the centre point in the d3 more accurate and that some of the points were more useless than others. I have since found a diagram, although I can't find it now that shows the pattern of different points. There are 51 in the d3 and since learning about the different types, when its important to be quick (eg a wedding) I only use the centre one!
If I deviate off the centre I tend to go in a straight line horizontally or vertically as I vaguely remember those being the better points!
But yeah, I would also agree, that in use, for fast lenses the centre point is the only sencible choice! And that's on a completely different camera!!
I have a 5DII, as well, as you know. I only ever use the center point for AF. Also, I back-button focus. So I always just center on whatever I want to focus on, hit the back AF button with my thumb to focus, release, and recompose, then shoot. It sounds complicated, but I've been doing it for so long, I don't really think about it. That gives me a pretty good success rate with that camera and mitigates the AF issue everyone complains about. Frankly, even if I had a 7D or a 1D, I'd probably still just use the center point for AF.
I've been having a similar issue to Chris, I didn't realise that some AF points are more accurate than other. However I have also read that some cameras front focus at wide apertures. Could it actually be a compounding of the two that causes the issue?
@ Darren - Yep, even with previous 1 series bodies, I used the center point almost exclusively

@ Paul - Not sure about that one - the 5D2 has a manual adjustment feature to allow you to tweak the AF performance of each lens, and store that tweak in camera so it's automatically applied each time you use that lens.

Need to do the MA process and tweak my primes, not got to them yet. Did the MA process on my zooms and was happy with the result.
I downloaded one of those focus charts and set up the AF fine tune on my camera. It can remember about 12 lenses as long as they are the CPU type which all of mine are. The two primes were quite a bit out - the 35mm back focused about 20mm and the 50mm front focused about 10mm. My 70 -300mm & 65mm Micro were bang on. The 28-80mm back focused just under 10mm.

I was quite surprised as the manual says only tweak the AF if absolutely necessary. It seems that the lenses AF can be out more often than Nikon would care to admit. I'm hoping this will explain why I have been having quite a few less than sharp photographs recently. For the most part they are OK but shooting wide open or up closer for portraits was causing a few issues.
I've noticed that the focus on my primes frequently seems worse than on my zooms, too. I've wondered if it's a calibration issue or just that I tend to shoot my primes wide open in low light, and those conditions are harder on the AF. I need to do some tests one day when I have the time.