
What awaits?


Leica Monochrom + Voigtländer Ultra-wide Heliar 12 mm f1:5.6. ISO 320, 1/250s at f1:5.6. PP in LR and Nik SilverFX Pro 2.
Heilige Scheiße!!!!!!!!!! This is fantastic Pete......... No...... It's EPIC!!! Get in!
Thanks Dan. How old were you when you leaned German! :eek:
Haha!! German was my first language....... Then I went to a British military school.
Apparently made sense at the time..........o_O
Wonderful story in this image - those trees look sooooo spooky, and the lens gives a feeling of being pulled into the scene

Very nice tones as well Pete
Never noticed this one till now. Stupendously good. Ina is floating - definitely something odd about that girl! And look how the branches are bending to salute her...

I want a Leica Monochrome...or Monochrom - either one would do nicely!