Few More

Darren Turner





Nothing over interesting, i took them so might as well show you them...........:confused:

I'm going to pick on you a bit now Darren, mainly because of how much better the ones you posted earlier are...
And in the spirit of our recent convos about street photography ...
1,2 and 4 do little for me ... This is what I'm talking about when I say long lens, no context candid portrait photography.
Technically they are nice, in focus, pp is nice etc ... But what are you trying to portray? What's the story?
Im interested, genuinely...
You comment about posting others that are not so good gives me the clue that you also see that there is less to these ... ?

Number three, I quite like, certainly more interesting as it says somthing about the chaps personality I think...
They are just people i spotted while mooching, not much story to them apart from their people in town going about there everyday business like most other people. As for making a good photo........nope they are boring, bland and pretty pointless i 100% agree and realise that.

These are probably more about me practising and getting more comfortable at being in a busy place with my camera with the intentions of photographing people.

Thanks to RPF its making me think outside the box, at not only photographing people, trying to spot those who may make an interesting photo, a photo that make you think and wonder what happening and is there more to the subject than there seem initially to be.

Well I certainly think you have got better at it!
So I guess the practicing is working! :)
Some of te others from today, and especially the one from the subway(?) with the musicians were really quite good!
Couple of weeks ago you posted a photo of 2 musicians a with a walking white man and a stationary black man with pointy hair in the foreground...
now you got me stumped..............i cant rememberer that far back and i don't recall.........off to photo search.........lol
oooo yes remember it now..............guy with funny "do" and buskers yes twas me.............lol