mmmmmmmm interesting.......... they were very blue literally as i to struggled with WB......but i did a WB check in photo shop to try & correct these.........i think they quite accurate white here......!!
does anyone else find these to "Blue" / cool / WB issues.
Bear in mind my screen isn't calibrated, so who knows. Do my two snow photos today (Lauren and the train) look well balanced? (The first has fill flash.)
yes the Wb look fine to me spot on...........!! Yes i can tell the fill in flash was used......really does make a difference with portraits especially outside ones.
yes the Wb look fine to me spot on...........!! Yes i can tell the fill in flash was used......really does make a difference with portraits especially outside ones.
It was about 3pm and the light was totally flat, it was actually starting to get dark.
Just been outside helping a neighbour get up their drive - it took 3 of us grown men and the driveway is virtually flat! We are supposed to be getting our other daughter from uni tomorrow - Solihull to Bath and back... We are in a cul de sac which isn't gritted and gets little traffic, I suspect getting out of our road will be harder than the rest of the journey.
... But snow is blue in a lot of light .... Here is an example
That's taken out o my bathroom window, down the too where the sun is currently hitting it and into the garden where it is in the shade and is blue ... Not through poor White balance of my iPhone, the iPhone has actually captured it very well ...
If I was to take this image with my d3 and try and adjust the White balance so the snow in the garden was White the snow on the roof would be wrong ...
So ... What do we think of that?? How do you deal with this situation?? ...
White has it's own natural WB, by its own reflective nature. That, or you ****** out the window whilst still asleep and didn't reach the back of the garden.