first go at portrait work!

Thomas brookes

RPF Chief iPhone app Reviewer
Hey guys! so I suppose I have been a bit quiet of late as the new influx of members strut there stuff... very impressive indeed may I add!
So over the past few weeks I have been snapping here and there, I decided I wanted to go down the portrait route using natural light here is what I ended up with, criticism and tips are more than welcome, what do you think?







thanks for looking
These are nice mate!
a touch soft maybe but actually as a set they look like its intentional?
1 & 3 i think are the nicest
the first one being the winner for me, the slight sepia tone suiting the slight softness well
are these taken with your 50mm
you have done well to focus on the eyes very well in most of them too whcih is arguably the hardest thing to do in this sort of spontaneous natural light stuff ... overall id say im pretty bloody impressed!
Shucks thanks mate, I know what you mean about the softness I'm a sucker for pumping up the contrast and getting them gritty, I thaught I would go soft!! I'm quite happy with the 50mm plus it's all manual work so I feel I have improved alot using it!! Thanks mate
Great set of images Thomas, do you know these guys?? or are they random strangers.........?

I think they are a little soft also as previously mentioned but that no major issue really, I like the contrasty darker look to these shots.

Can i suggest if you dont know them, can you please choose some more prettier models of the female form for future portrait sessions... :)

When it comes to street stuff the I reckon it's all about not asking ... Getting shots of people just going about thier day is really the point I think ... Have you heard of Martin Parr?
Search google images!
I went through a stage of thinking he was shite ... But actually fairly recently it clicked for me and now I really like his stuff!
He is really all about capturing split seconds in peoples everyday lives ...
He gets right in peoples faces with his camera!
there is an awesome pro tog from Liverpool called Pete Carr hes also a legend at street photography, i follow his work on Flickr and on his photo blog almost all his work is centered around Liverpool how ever he does get out & about elsewhere to but i think his work in really awesome.

If i could take street photos a 1/4 as good as his i would be over the moon.

Wow Thomas!!!!!! Love these shots!! Done such a great job on these!