Congrats Paul! I was looking at F2's a while back but after watching a YT by Cody Mitchell, I looked up FE's and seems like for the price... Now I'm thinking that I need to dip my toe into developing color negatives.I just ordered a Nikon F4S.
I really liked the matched needle system in my Canon FTb so I'll be curious to see how I like this system. The needles seem to be on the left whereas the Canon has them on the right.It also has my favourite metering system of all of of any camera: matched needles. Brilliant.
What are you shooting now Gary?All the above takes me back
Fuji digital. (I still have a full B/W darkroom all boxed up in the garage. A new 100' roll of Tri-X in a bulk loader on a desk. ... But digital is sooo much easier.)What are you shooting now Gary?
After developing and scanning my own b&w, I'm thinking that I'll go ahead and try my hand at developing 35mm color negatives too.
Stay tuned...
Agree with you there!But digital is sooo much easier.
I'm also really getting comfortable with the Nikon's match needle metering Pete! For whatever reason, I seem to like it more than the Canon FTb (which was my first SLR) but that could be a) because it's new and b) because I've shot more with it in the last couple of weeks.The FE is one of my favourite Nikons