Critique Welcomed Flying Buttresses

Brian Moore

Several of the 24 flying buttresses that support the great concrete domed roof (said to be the world's largest) of the Norfolk Scope Arena, in Norfolk, Virginia.

Sony a7R with Olympus OM 28/3.5.

I find that fascinating - the way the struts of the buttresses are shaped (tapered from both ends towards the middle, but on different planes, almost like they are stretched) gives me the impression that they are holding the dome down, rather than propping it up.
Great image though!
I find that fascinating - the way the struts of the buttresses are shaped (tapered from both ends towards the middle, but on different planes, almost like they are stretched) gives me the impression that they are holding the dome down, rather than propping it up.
Great image though!

Thanks a lot, Chris. I never noticed that tapering until you mentioned it. Much appreciated. Here's another image of the building,...just to prove your theory that if the flying buttresses weren't holding it down it would become a flying saucer. :rolleyes:

I had the exact same impression, that the buttresses were holding it down (flying saucer, eh - now who could that belong to! ;) ). I love the colours and composition in the first. I like the way the forms of the building are reflected in the lamps.