Critique Welcomed Foam (My 10,000th X-Pro1 Shot!)

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent
Had the chance to visit with Riverside Fire Department this morning, looking at a project for work.

Of course I happened to have my camera handy (as you do) so snapped some pictures while I was there.

Couldn't resist the wonderfully maintained equipment ;)



X-Pro1 and 18mm Lens - PP in NIK Silver FX

Just realized this marks frame number 10,000 for my X-Pro1 since I got it in March :cool:
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Beautifully crisp and sharp, great B&W tone but then you always do
That's a lot of photos Chris!
you might be interested to know that they are now one of the main reasons people visit this website.
the other day (and this has happened a few times) more than half the traffic to te site was via a link on to your xpro photos on here ...
was it your first 10,000 that was your worst? based on that logic 10,001 should be something to see!

wonderful b&w tones and dof. makes me wonder what they plan on doing with all that foam.. kinky firefighters.
Hamish - That is indeed a lot of photos - I had to check I wasn't having a brain fart when I went to save a file, and it said the filename already existed.. Duh!

Scoop-It is definitely very popular - and I've found it a great way to keep up with a topic - figured it would direct some traffic this way and we'd nab a few of the passers by who were more photography inclined.

Beth - you're such a tease ;)

Thank you Ahmad :)
Getting there Pete ;)