Critique Welcomed Fog Bank over the Lagoon

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent

More fog as the sun went down this evening - or 'marine layer' as the locals like to call it.

This is the view looking west over Batiquitos Lagoon - with the fog forming over the cold water of the Pacific.

X-Pro1 and 35mm - Grad ND filter to tame the sky a little - Kodachrome 64 (Pro) in NIK Color FX
Chris, I like it very much! It has a lot of mood and substance. :)

How could they discontinue films like HIE, Tech Pan 25, Lumiere, Kodakchrome. The demise of Kodak could be called KodaCrime. :(
Chris, I like it very much! It has a lot of mood and substance. :)

How could they discontinue films like HIE, Tech Pan 25, Lumiere, Kodakchrome. The demise of Kodak could be called KodaCrime. :(

Thanks Nihat - we do live in a strange window of time, where film appears to be slowly vanishing, whilst film cameras are available to buy for a fraction of their original prices.

I'm living out my film fantasies with cameras that I couldn't afford when they were new, but I can now buy on EBAY for modest sums.

At least Ilford and FujiFilm seem to be holding their own - not sure what I'd do without PanF or Velvia :(
Yeah, I am glad Pan F+ and the rest of the Ilford films are around, and Fuji Velvia is a gem, Chris. :)
Gorgeous Chris and definitely worth employing the grad to keep that little bit of extra control. And nice choice of simulation. What made you choose Kodachrome? Was it trial and error?

Thanks Pete - I wanted more punch so went straight for the Velvia and Kodachrome options, Kodachrome won! :)

I'd already worked up a B&W version in Nik Silver, but wasn't happy with the overall contrast/look

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I like the shapes appearing out of the darkness and fog. Draws the eye. Very nice colouuuuurs.

Thanks Rob - did you spot the strangely square object mid bottom third?

I thought I had a defective sensor at first - then zoomed in to find it was a man made object that had been duped in the lagoon!

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love all of the patterns made by the black marsh and brighter water. the fog adds a nice mystical mood to it too. beautiful.

Thanks Beth - your morning fog shot yesterday inspired me to head out as the sun went down, and look for something myself - I still have this mindset that bad/poor weather means I should stay in and not take pictures - doh! :D

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You nailed the mood Chris...Nice!

Thanks Glenn - if only you could see the power lines just inches out of frame overhead - ruined the scene, but I managed to get a viewpoint that kept them out of shot

Later frame (after the sun and completely vanished), NIK SilverFX treatment

NOt sure - I like the idea of B&W, but when I was done I went ahead and did the color version above, and liked that better.
Thanks Beth - your morning fog shot yesterday inspired me to head out as the sun went down, and look for something myself - I still have this mindset that bad/poor weather means I should stay in and not take pictures - doh! :D

no, bad weather is the excuse you use when you don't come back with anything decent. ;)

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i like the color version, b&w is nice, but the color version is magic.