For All You Mask Wearing Nutters Out There - Chip Simmons

I came across it in a book called The Elements of Photography that you can download from You can read it online or download for a small charge. However if you upload something you get 24 hours of free downloading. I hve got a few books from Scribd, its quite handy.
I emailed him, he sent me loads of really amazingly random, pretty funny, and quite impressively good photos ... I'm hopin he will join the forum!
Great Images I hope he joins the forum. Anyone know where you can buy some giant veg from
Apparently Woody Allen has some vegetables left over from one of his sets.

Love that movie - always has me in tears - especially the scene with the instant pudding mix in the kitchen

And of course the 'orgasmatron' LMAO
Not much, just emailed with a kink to this thread saying he should join the forum ...
He emailed back with some photos asking what I meant (I'd miss spelled some words :) )
I said it again and asked if he did it as a hobby or job
He quoted a few fairly big clients and mentioned some stuff I might be aware of
I said, I hadn't heard of him, but said I probably would recognise some of his stuff .. Which I think I do ...
He didn't reply ...
I sent a message saying that I hoped I hadn't offended him
He didn't reply

I don't like offending people, I do hope he wasn't ...
No - the orgasmatron was definitely in Sleeper


Woody's character hides in it to evade capture, and gets an overdose of course!