Brian Moore
I bought a Yashica 635 yesterday. It's a TLR that shoots 120 film. I discovered some exposed film inside. Kodak VPS 160. I had no idea, of course, whether any images were on the film. But I took it to the camera shop and got it developed.
The fellow I bought the camera from said the film wasn't his. He had got the camera "from the East Coast."
Perhaps he was telling me the truth. One of the images has a couple of hotels in it and signage for "Lake Placid," which is in New York.
I don't know when Kodak stopped making VPS 160, but whenever it was this film I found was old. I'm guessing these images were taken in the late 70's or early 80's.
I have not tried to correct the massive color shifts the emulsion has suffered over the years.
The fellow I bought the camera from said the film wasn't his. He had got the camera "from the East Coast."
Perhaps he was telling me the truth. One of the images has a couple of hotels in it and signage for "Lake Placid," which is in New York.
I don't know when Kodak stopped making VPS 160, but whenever it was this film I found was old. I'm guessing these images were taken in the late 70's or early 80's.
I have not tried to correct the massive color shifts the emulsion has suffered over the years.