Ralph Turner
Well-Known Member
It's surprising what can be done with odds 'n' ends. I had an old Minolta af telezoom given to me that was no longer fit for use so, out of curiosity I pulled it apart. It's amazing what goes into one of these in terms of precision parts and how it all fits together. Anyway, one of the parts I was left with was the front section of the barrel, still containing a couple of elements. This just happens to slide over a set of M42 extension tubes, albeit a little loose, but no matter. Holding it in place and focussing trombone fashion produces some interesting (and surprisingly good) effects. A small portion of the centre of the frame is remarkably sharp and contrasty, but it all falls apart rapidly beyond this little area, though to good effect. The images aren't necessarily anything special, but it gives you an idea. I will likely play with this combo some more