Friday Night Is Date Night...

Glenn Clabo

Well-Known Member
so I was invited for a brew or two...or three...and some oysters of course.
From the deck of a restaurant on the pier next door...
Pier 6 sunset.jpg
Must have been taken before the brews I'm thinking, as the horizon looks level! :D

Love the range of orange hues in the image, from the sky to the buildings to the trees - very effective

I also like the juxtaposition of the old sailing masts and the modern bridge spire
To Chris's point about the horizon I would suggest an alternate point of view: Clearly not enough brew consumed yet!

Great shot, Glenn. The brooding blackness above seems so ominous in contrast to the lovely orange glow of the sunset to the west.
Got to fall in with what Chris said. I shall not as many others insinuate anything at all, but it takes a sober man to do this image. No wonder they never get their horizons straight eh?:D Very good picture mate!
I want to know when you had the dates! Before or after the oysters? ;)
Pete...I realize there is a language issue here on RPF...but dates is dates...and dates (with a she) ... is real dates. And dates (with a she) is just one...or maybe the most important reason for oysters. Besides the taste of course. :oops: