From the mind via the garden

Fine images, Tom. I rarely dream, or remember doing so. But last night I was hurtling down a hill in a car, traffic lights turning red, and suddenly realising the brakes don't work. I'm really disappointed in how cliched the dream was! Do I have NO imagination?
Dreams don't mean much, not in the concrete sense at least. Some people do, others don't. Dreams can be brought on by all sorts of things. Some chemicals like grog, dope and medications bring them on.
I dream every night, vividly and always bring the storyline to an end before I wake, then remember it in detail. None of the dreams make much sense although they have fragments of past activity in them. I've learnt to control them somewhat and always start off where I left of from the previous night. It used to worry me. Now I treat it as fun.
I often dream of a situation with taking photos. I try to imitate the results the next day. The flowers in this lot are part of that dreaming.
Don't worry, Rob. I'm safe as long as I stay on the meds and keep away from booze and cats.

Me too and they take on more significance knowing bit of the reason behind them. The dream-like feel is stronger in the first but is still there in the second. I am intrigued by the points of light in the background. I suspect you have left them for a reason - I don't need to know what that is, but it adds a further dimension. To me at least.
Me too and they take on more significance knowing bit of the reason behind them. The dream-like feel is stronger in the first but is still there in the second. I am intrigued by the points of light in the background. I suspect you have left them for a reason - I don't need to know what that is, but it adds a further dimension. To me at least.
The images come out a bit darker on the forum than they do on my screen. The dots are the ends of the sepals. In the original I can see the sepals all the way to the flower.
I think I'm having a few difficulties with my setup at the moment. My monitor is calibrated using Spyder 4. With my previous Canon printer I got great results. Now with the new Epson the prints are darker than the monitor. I've noticed on your site the photos are a little darker than I would like. On Flickr they are fine.
Anyone got any suggestions? Keep your answer to a single sentence and monosyllables. My brain doesn't cope with technical stuff all that well at the moment.
These are a wonderful set of images Tom. That's quite an interesting effect on the first, looks like you projected the image then photographed it again, or was it all digital PP?

Hi Paul.
PP all the way. I know where I'm going but usually don't know how to get there beyond the shooting itself. I like PP and
LR and all the other editors. It's just I don't know what I'm doing once I get past the basics I use every day. I know I can do what I want but it can take all day and a few attempts before I'm happy. I don't mind this. It's great therapy to switch off the world and be absorbed in the process. The other thing is the computer is non-judgemental. If I fuck up the worst it can come up with is "do you really want to do this?" At which point I go into a full self-doubting, self-deprecating depressive state and do as the computer suggests.
The last two shots are somewhere along the road to completion or total destruction.
Uploading certainly does cause a few issues and Photobucket causes the same issues. Use the showcase on RPF and linking to the images there seems to cause the least changes.

I really like the second to last Tom. It certainly matches more the first image and is very dream-like I think. The stems are coming over a bit vivid but that is probably a system thing (sorry for the technical term! ;) ).
Tbh this whole images showing different on the web to the computer this a mystery to me. I guess it's down to JPEG rendering in browsers or something.
As long as you are saving to srgb I don't really know what to suggest.

Incidentally, I do like the images ... Especially with a bit of back story they come with
When it comes down to the final product, I'm Old School. There is nothing like a framed print on the wall.
Please send more wall!