From the mind via the garden

i've noticed my photos on flickr seem to be oversharpened and otherwise "enhanced" when i upload them.
So right, Beth. I'm so pissed off with Flickr I've stopped uploading.
Nice to see you, by the way. Can you recruit a few of your women photographers. I'm really over talking to blokes all the time. They are so sensitive.
So right, Beth. I'm so pissed off with Flickr I've stopped uploading.
Nice to see you, by the way. Can you recruit a few of your women photographers. I'm really over talking to blokes all the time. They are so sensitive.
flickr i use only because it's an easy way to share. 500px is hard to use as a sharing site. as for recruiting more women, are you kidding? i can't even find time to recruit myself for anything photography related these days.