Rense Haveman
Well-Known Member
One of the well-known problems with those FSU cameras is the particular design of the viewfinder, which seems to be developed to scratch your glasses in the first place! Why the Soviet engineers did it in this way is completely beyond my imagination... Thinking of a solution for my Kiev-4A, my eyes fell on the lid of one of those Fuji Velvia slide boxes, the no-flat black ones. After cutting the ridge from the outer edge and the top of the central part, it just fits tightly around the Kievs viewfinder!
Now, THAT's a Soviet solution!!! Well... probably to sexy looking....LOL

A cheap solution... by Rense Haveman, on Flickr
Now, THAT's a Soviet solution!!! Well... probably to sexy looking....LOL

A cheap solution... by Rense Haveman, on Flickr