Fuji X-m1

Dave Moss

Well-Known Member
Just popped down to the Bigger Picture roadshow in Stoke and had a play with a few new Fuji's but the eye catching one for me had to be the new X-M1 The pro except for size had no real advantage over a DSLR as the weight was similar to the D80 I'm using but the X-M1 was gorgeous ok live view only but with the Fuji X-trans sensor and interchangable lenses the Xpro takes and is half the price as a kit (with the 16-50mm lens)now on the shopping list with a D7000
How did it feel to hold Dave - solid enough?
Felt solid enough Chris loved the flip out screen as well I did wonder after i posted if the x pro felt heavier because of a battery pack. But at £1500 (£1100 for the camera £400 for a comparable lens) for the xpro to £750 for the X-m1 kit seemed a bit of a hike for a rangefinder seemed a bit steep
The X-M1 is by all accounts a solid camera and just as capable as its larger brethren (so I have read). The only issue I have (with the X-E1 really, maybe the others have the same issue) is that it seems when spot metering you can't AE lock, only AF lock. This is kind of essential to the way I use a camera. Dave, let me know how close you are to buying a D7000. I have been thinking of selling mine or at least most of the lenses for a while now as I hardly use it anymore and I want to move so something like a large sensor compact. I have quite a few lenses and accessories and most of them mint with boxes, all of them fully functional.
Just waiting on the compo from car accident they made an offer let us know(Solicitors said that was done to try and get us to take a below par offer) but the solicitors turned it down out of hand so hopefully within the next month
@Paul Lange Are you looking for exposure lock when half depressing shutter and recomposing?
OK get in touch when you are ready, I don't plan to sell anything just yet so no rush from my side
@Paul Lange Are you looking for exposure lock when half depressing shutter and recomposing?

Hi Chris, I look at the scene and then decide what exposure I want. For example: I will spot meter a highlight at, for instance +2EV and then use the AE lock to hold the exposure. Then I can recompose and focus before pressing the shutter.
@Paul Lange - Assume the X-E1 is the same as the X-Pro1 - which means it's possible when set-up via the shooting menu:

On the camera: in the Shooting Menu: Screen 4



Select your spot exposure target and half-press and hold of the shutter button. Press and release the AE-L/AF-L button to lock the exposure.

You can now release the shutter button recompose and take one or more shots as desired.

The exposure remains locked until you press the AE-L/AF-L button again to release it.

There is a second option where exposure is locked only while the AE-L/AF-L button is held down rather then toggled, if that's what you'd prefer.

Ref: pages 43 and 72 of the X-Pro1 manual - don;t have the X-E1 to compare but I bet it's the same.
Interesting to read, thanks. I'm in the market for Fuji now, having sold all my DSLR kit - can't decide whether to go with the X-M1 and kit lens, the X-Pro1 or maybe look at the new X-M1.

Decisions, decisions! :D
Cheers Chris, next time I am in the airport with time to kill I shall go into Dixons and try that out. I have read that it is a problem that exists with the X-E1 but I didn't try half pressing the shutter while trying to lock the AE. On the X-E1 just pressing the AE lock, even when configured for AE lock only the AF locks instead and not the AE.