Critique Welcomed Fujicron just entered my vocabulary

Wes Hall

Well-Known Member
Time has been running away from me post festive season 2024 and I’ve remained grateful for my photography hobby keeping me relaxed around life’s pressures.

My nearest and dearest have both started shooting Fuji systems, albeit with adapted manual glass we collectively own- and well, I didn’t want to be left out after seeing the files- high iso digital that doesn’t leave me editing for hours had me salivating.

Some sales of lesser used gear and an auction or two later- hello XE-1 and the Fuji XF 16mm 2.8.

This is going to be my attempt to sit comfortable with one camera and lens pairing till the summer at least- I’m not used to the focal length and the camera is allowing me to let go of some control for the first time (I’ve shot my past cameras fully manual since learning- and becoming vintage glass focused).

A nice way to reconnect with the forum too - so here’s the start of my wide angle Fujicron days.




The X-E1 is a serious little camera. It has the same sensor as my X-Pro1 at 16mp. I loved the X-Pro1. I loved the sensor, I loved all the manual controls on the camera's exterior ... and the X-Pro1 was soooooo sexy.

Assuming the X-E1 focus is similar to the X-Pro1, this is my story...
The first time I saw the X-Pro1 ... it was love at first sight. No reviews, no research ... nada ... I walked out of the camera store with my first Fuji camera. For me, the retro-controls of the X-Pro1 was simply fantastic ... perfect ... no menu diving for the stuff I wanted to adjust. But the focusing speed of the X-Pro1 was a dog compared to my Canon 1Ds ... and in low light the dog just howled. The instantaneous focusing of the Canon 1Ds took anticipation out of my photography. Just toss the camera up to my eye, instant focus with a half press of the shutter release ... then Boom-Boom-Boom-Boom-Boom-Boom-Boom-Boom-Boom, somewhere on one of those booms will be a good image. With the X-Pro1, you raised the camera to your eye, then ... then ... Boom. Initially, it was quite frustrating.

The X-Pro1 took me back to my photographic roots in film photography. For me with film, you have to pre-visualize your final image, get the camera location and lens selection to reflect that final image. Then pre-focus and anticipate the shot ... wait ... wait .... then Boom, release-the-shutter. To be honest, the slow focus of the X-Pro1 made me put a lot more thought-process, thinking into my shots than when shooting my 1Ds. The X-Pro1 took automation out of my photography and made me a better photographer. Don't get me wrong, the 1Ds are great cameras and I got good stuff with all the instantaneous automatic modes ... but the X-Pro1 gave me a significantly higher Keeper Rate. Slowing down was good for my photography. Even though my X-T5 can focus on a dime and give you change ... I still pre-visualize, anticipate and shoot on single frame.

I hope the X-E1 will help you as much as the X-Pro1 helped me.