Fujifilm devoloping modified sensor to fix X10 and X-S1 white orbs

Darren Turner

Fujifilm has released a statement explaining the causes of the 'white disc' blooming issue that affects certain images shot with the X10 high-end compact. The statement says the company is developing a modified sensor in response to the problem, that can also affect the X-S1 premium superzoom. It encourages X10 and X-S1 owners experiencing 'the white disc phenomenon' to contact their local Fujifilm service center.

The FUJIFILM X10 and X-S1 digital cameras were made available by Fujifilm late last year, and have been generally very well received by customers, who admire the excellent picture quality, manual zoom lens and viewfinder.

However, we did receive some inquiries concerning the so-called ‘white disc’ or ‘blooming’ occurrence, where exceptional highlights in the picture can appear as strongly delineated rounded shapes. This ‘blooming’ effect can occur with all digital cameras which use CMOS sensors, to varying degrees. It can also occur with the X10 and X-S1 when shooting in certain conditions, e.g. cars with front lights shining in dark night scene. The X10 and X-S1 are fitted with a very advanced sensor, which gives excellent picture quality and low noise, but which does give a different ‘blooming’ effect from other cameras.

Fujifilm has a long-standing history of delivering top quality products to the market. In response to our customers’ comments, we have worked hard to find an improvement to reduce the ‘blooming’ effect of the X10 and X-S1. Below are the actions we have undertaken.

In February, we announced a firmware upgrade for the X10 (version 1.03) which does reduce the white disc occurrence specifically in EXR mode. It works by identifying scenes that are likely to get ‘white disc’ blooming. When the camera recognizes such a scene, it automatically increases the ISO and optimizes DR (dynamic range). As the ISO increases, the white discs are less evident. * New firmware for the X-S1 will be available from March 21, 2012.
We will also develop a modified sensor, which will more universally resolve the ‘white disc’ blooming effect in all modes. We are working hard to make this new sensor available from late May 2012.
We encourage any customer with an X10 and X-S1 who has experienced the ‘white disc’ phenomenon to call their local authorized Fujifilm service centre.

Fujifilm is committed to delivering the highest quality products to the photographic community, and is happy to provide this improvement

Further Info & Discussion Can Be Found On Dpreview
i had a little moan to fuji support yesterday and received this response via email

Dear Mr Turner,

Thank you for your email.

Sorry to hear that the firmware update has not cured the blooming problem. The updated sensor will be available late May,this will be replaced for you free of charge.If you reply to this email with your full UK address and camera serial number,we will create a job for you.
Once the sensors come in stock we will send you some prepaid packaging so the camera can be returned to us at no cost to yourself.

Hope this information helps.

it sound a good move to me and at least they ARE doing something about it. I would wait until other have had their sensor replaced to see the outcome me thinks

Good to hear that some companies are trying to look after their customers...
KK i emailed them via this email address i got from fuji website fujitec@fuji.co.uk

just politely told them i was unhappy with the Orbs / blooming situation and wanted to know how i stood with regards to a repair, replacement or refund (in reality i will not be getting rid regardless of a fix or not) as its ruining many of my photos, they advised to update firmware, so i replied back telling them i did that when it was released and it didn't make the situation any better, then i got the response as per below.

Dan - Good to hear Fuji will step up

However, it's disappointing that they released the camera with this issue.

This, and the sticky blades issue on the X100, look a lot like poor quality control.

I nearly pulled the trigger on an X-Pro1 today, but I think I'll hold off and see how the first batch work out.

I know that no camera is perfect, but really Fuji! :(
Reply to my email initially was to try the Firmware update, already done that and let them know, their reply just in, (within twelve hours of my initial email is...

We apologise that the firmware update had little or no effect. Please can you provide us with your address details. So we are able to send you some pre-paid packaging.

Not bad so far me thinks...:)
Certainly a great opportunity to show excellent customer service - good to see :)
Fuji's service centre is second to none!

I agree totally. After buying the X100, got a letter from Fuji promising service that was comparable to when I was a member of NPS (Nikon Professional Service). Of course, with the InterWebs, if there is a problem with one in 10,000 cameras, each will be widely reported making the problem look much worse than it is. Intermittent problems, or problems that show up in only a few cameras are of course the most difficult to track down.

Fuji Canada not only has the Fuji Guys keeping customers up to date like no other camera company, but it was said that when the first batch of X100 cameras arrived here after the earthquake, as the French version of the manual was inserted in the box, technicians inspected every single camera. In the first months I read X100 forums, I did not see a single instance of a defective camera in Canada. I can not praise the little camera too highly—it has been a delight and image quality is astonishing. I had no hesitation about going with the XP1 as well.
When I used to sell cameras we obviously had a lot back with faults ... it just happens!
Fuji were the only brand to pretty much get cameras back to us within a week ...
Sony, we used to tell customers to expect a month ...
nikon 3 weeks
canon ... well ... a while ...
Fuji were so quick sometimes that they must have had the cameras back in the post the same day they arrived at fuji ...
Hamish / Larry, you make good points, and maybe I'm being too much of a Debbie Downer! :D

Order for X-Pro1 dually placed