I have searched high and low for a DIKON D800!!
A really excellent video. I like this pair; Chris has a flippancy which contrasts rather nicely with Nick's more 'professional' and measured manner. They compliment each other very well and their XT1 video is very good too.
The Merrills look to be a true labour of love which at the launch price would have been suicidal love. But at the current price...........you canny Scotsman you!
Mind you, I must admit to getting enormous satisfaction buying cameras that I could never afford and waiting a few months to see the price tumble down. I have recently bought the rather lovely Fuji XM-1 and 16-50mm for £189 during Amazons Xmas deal ( £100 cash back from Fuji and £100 credit off Amazon), the remarkable little Pentax MX-1 for £99 off Amazon using the £100 credit and last week the stonking Fuji XS1 for £239 again off Amazon.
Its what is causing just a little flutter as I summon up the courage to travel to England to have a look at the XT1. Will it price drop dramatically in the next few months?
Oh bugger it, with the money I have saved...............................