Paul Taylor
Well-Known Member
After I got my large format kit all together I drove down to Gillespie dam/bridge in AZ. Was my first time out with the camera, and I didn't have any issues with it - it was actually my developing tank that I had issues with. I used a Stearman SP455 and the dividers left oblong marks on the negatives - despite them being loaded correctly (emulsion side out.) Seems this isn't an uncommon issue and I have modified the holders a bit to see if it resolves the problem as well as bought a Jobo reel/tank for 4x5 just in case. Anyhows, I had once decent shot out of the 5 I took - the rest were ruined by the tank issue. This one has some weirdness in the top corner but I can fix that.
The F.64 bag that can hold the thing.
I have 4 more shots I took at a local park- just need to scan them. While the compositions are crap - it was more just test shots to make sure I was metering correctly with the new-to-me Minolta Spotmatic. Negatives look good though.

The F.64 bag that can hold the thing.

I have 4 more shots I took at a local park- just need to scan them. While the compositions are crap - it was more just test shots to make sure I was metering correctly with the new-to-me Minolta Spotmatic. Negatives look good though.
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