Going Medium Format!

Hey Rob just the right season for atmospheric photos with the Holga
(standing on head permitting ;)

There was this delightful sales assistant in carnaby street tried to persuade me to take a 120.
Instead i was rather taken with her :o
You guys are funny. I suppose if I'm doing portraiture, I could get the model to stand on her head...The Holga should be easy compared to the Mamiya! Certainly lighter... Free weekend ahead, so I should get a couple of rolls done with the Holga. Might be a couple of weeks before I get the Mamiya.
I would suggest putting tape down the sides the camera, its a known issue where the clamps down each side decide to not hold the camera together anymore and will ruin the film, also you get light leaks lol
I'd shoot a roll first, Rob. These cameras are known for light leaks--and celebrated for them by some people--but I have three of them and none leak light. Not yet anyway. I think I read that if you shoot with the masks removed (there should be two masks--one for 4.5x6 and the other for 6x6) there will be an enhanced possibility of light leaks. Also, as they age they are more liable to leaking.

Anyway, if it were me I'd simply shoot a roll and see what its like before I went to the bother of taping things up.
Yikes! My Mamiya RB67 Pro SD just arrived - a big scary beast!

Managed to disassemble it, and more crucially, reassemble it with help from this video Mamiya RB67 Pro demonstration - YouTube although the viewfinder isn't secured - can fall off. Must figure that one out. I haven't had much time with it, but have found an instruction booklet pdf online: http://www.mamiya.nl/client/mamiya/uploads/downloads/rb67_pro_sd_v7.pdf

I even managed to load it with film - Ilford HP5 Plus 400

Will try to find time over the weekend to take some shots - I'm fairly busy until then, and shooting film again will take some thinking about.

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Got the viewfinder fixed!
:) A good idea - it's so dark in Edinburgh this week, and these new-fangled light bulbs don't help.

I have to admit I'm a bit scared of this camera, but the only way round that is to take it out and use it!
Yeah ... My blad gave me the fear for ages ... It's fine now!
relish that fear though, for me it breeded care and contemplation when it came to every shot!

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Ill second Petes idea!