Gold Leaf Triptych

Rob MacKillop

Edinburgh Correspondent
I started this on another thread, which kind of got messy with different versions. So here is my final (maybe) presentation of these three images. Hope you like them. I've called it the Gold Leaf Triptych, as I would like to see them presented left to right in a row.

First, the centre panel...

Gold Leaf Triptych - Centre Panel by RobMacKillop, on Flickr

Now the left panel...

Gold Leaf Triptych - Left Panel by RobMacKillop, on Flickr

and finally the right panel...

Gold Leaf Triptych - Right Panel by RobMacKillop, on Flickr
They were all taken from the same puddle...

Thanks to Pete and Julian for help and inspiration.

Maybe they will come together like this...

leaves3 by RobMacKillop, on Flickr​
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I'm with Pete ...
sorta ... Bit confused ...
the left panel should be flipped buy wouldn't the point the diagonals inward like the right one ...
They want to be inward (stalk end at bottom) to draw the eye inward I think ... In my head it suits the colours/theme better that way...???

- - - Updated - - -

... Dunno, now looking again ... Maybe it does all need to point outward the large leaf might not look balanced pointing in ...
This is the sort of thig where you work it out when you hang it on the wall isn't it ;)
If i was to read into it, the centre image to me is when we are going hither and dither life busying us in all sorts.
The second when we are with loved ones, doing something we love, those fleeting transient moments of bliss.
The third just us ... me myself and i.
It's just leaves in a puddle, ahmad. Or is it Sylvia Plath's "not waiving - drowning"? Or is it...?

I'll play around with the format. Right now I'm thinking having both outer ones actually one above the other on the left, half-sized, and the large one on the right. But anyway, it's fun to play with.

I'll try to get around to it later today - just back from a trip out to the famous Forth bridges, the rail and road ones seen in many pictures already. Now they have started to build a third...Brought the Mamiya with me - but I was halfway walking the mile or more to the train station when I realised I didn't have any film with me. Doh! So, it has been a long morning, and I can only hope the photos turn out. Also brought the X100 as stand by...