Good morning. おはようございます。日本から。And a question.

Geoff Chaplin

Well-Known Member
So if you didn’t instantly recognise the Japanese, I'm based in the north island, Hokkaido. Mathematician by training, scientist by mentality, son of an artist and musician but none of the artistic talent made its way to me! Trying but failing to create art through photography. Leica film and Sony digital used.

I keep getting "file too large to upload". I've reduced the size finally to just over 1mb - and still get the message. What's the clever trick I missed?
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Hi Geoff, good to meet you. If you take a look at this thread it will hopefully help regarding uploaded file sizes:

Cheers, Ralph.
So if you didn’t instantly recognise the Japanese, I'm based in the north island, Hokkaido. Mathematician by training, scientist by mentality, son of an artist and musician but none of the artistic talent made its way to me! Trying but failing to create art through photography. Leica film and Sony digital used.

I keep getting "file too large to upload". I've reduced the size finally to just over 1mb - and still get the message. What's the clever trick I missed?
Hi Geoff! I'm new to this forum too. This forum has a 1MB size limit, so no special trick. I think normal practice on here is to size the image to something like 2000 pixels on the long side, and jpg quality to around 70%. I've posted a few 3000 wide, with quality at 65% which just squeezed in.
Welcome to RPF, Geoff.

Hopefully the post that Ralph referenced solves the problems. Looking forward to seeing some images from Hokkaido, etc. I have been to Japan a few times, but never there. A Japanese friend of mine (living Tokyo now) was born there and his elderly parents are still on the island.