"Good to Know!" My Glass i Image for Sept 1, 2011

Brian Moore


Recently shot some color film in one of my 1950's box cameras, the Kodak Brownie Hawkeye Flash. This was the first time I had shot color film in it. I used Ektar 100ASA 120 format film. I was delighted by the colors. This shot was taken at about 7:30 am, and the light was beautiful that day.

Find out more about the camera in my article for the Film Photography Project here--

<a href="http://filmphotographyproject.com/content/reviews/2011/08/kodak-brownie-hawkeye-box-cameras-style" rel="nofollow">filmphotographyproject.com/content/reviews/2011/08/kodak-...</a>

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Thought I'd add another picture for perspective.

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Yeah, I'm with Pete, I often wish could find stuff that suited the era of the camera!
Isn't it odd that we find this sort of thing fasinating - I wonder if it is some sort of nostalgia that makes us want to take photos that look vintage of vitage subjects? I like doing it and I'm only 28 and I still find this sort of thing interesting ...
I dunno, I'm stumped by it really ... Just airing my thoughts :)
Maybe it's because we retain visual memories of images that become iconic to us over time (family snaps from decades ago might be an example) and we get pleasure from reproducing some aspect of such images, such as a pose, or an architectural motif or some blur around the edges of a frame. Simply put, it takes us back and we tend to like this. (Even if it is a place further back than we have ever actually been.)
And I also suspect that cinema and TV affects our aesthetics to a much larger degree than we suspect. For example, although bleach bypass was a technique used for decades, it wasn't until 'Saving Private Ryan' that it really became part of our visual mind-set (even if just from trailers and stills) so that now anything World War II looks 'right' when handled in a similar way (see Hamish's PP on his re-enactment shots).

It would be an interesting project to take some very, very contemporary shots and PP them in a much older style.
It would still mean me going into a nightclub... I might be only 28, but I'm well beyond nightclubs ...
Would def make some interesting photography I think though!