Critique Welcomed Got Wood?

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent
Today was the annual Wavecrest Woodie Fest in Encinitas CA - a wonderful saturday full of vintage cars and the quintessential surf car, the Woodie.


Vintage Dodge


Ram's Horns


At the Beach


Surf Wagon


Vintage Surfer


Got Chrome


Woodie Selfie

All shots Fuji X-Pro1 and 35mm Lens
Wonderful set Chris (always). I especially like the vintage surfer with the matching shirt and side panels! Love the selfie too, with Woody in the frame as well. Nice. :)
Thanks @Pete Askew - The range of 'Hawaiian' shirts on display with the Woodie crowd was quite something - seems to be part of the scene - And no, I don't have one! :D
Excellent set Chris. That '49 ford is just too cool.
Thanks @Glenn Clabo - You'd be in heaven at an event like this, as there are literally hundreds of vehicles in this condition on display - various makes and models of course, just great to see.
Lovely set, Chris. (Uhh,...that first one's no a woody, know that right?:p)
Oooo you cheeky chappy - I covered that already in my intro! :D :D :D
Here you go @Pete Askew - a little British Moggy Woodie from yesterday, complete with surfboard :)

I hope so based on the 'For Sale' price on the car - they only wanted $25,000! o_O
I've seen both I think @Pete Askew - not sure if this was original, but with all the dials in the middle of the dash, it's not that hard!