Wavecrest 2011

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent
Wavecrest is the largest of all woodie meets. It is always held on the third Saturday of September each year in Encinitas, California.

This is it …… Wavecrest, the granddaddy of all woodie meets. At Moonlight Beach at the end of Encinitas Blvd in Encinitas, CA you will experience the longest running and largest gathering of woodies in the world. Woodies begin arriving in the wee hours and by 8:00 am there are around 300 woodies of every size, shape, description on display. Throughout the day there is Hawaiian and surf music performed live, along with fabulous raffle prizes and awards for the best of the best. :p










All shots Canon 5D2 and 28-70 f2.8L
Excellent camera work, Chris. I love the Coke bottle shot especially. Also the indian head tail light or whatever it is. Is that off a Pontiac? Anyway, great stuff Chris!
Thanks Brian - it was fun and challenging to get some different perspectives on the cars, rather than the usual 'here's a car' type shot.

The chief hood ornament is from a Pontiac I think - the vintage woodies have some killer hood ornaments! :)

Weather was overcast this morning, so perfect for this sort of photography.

British car show tomorrow (Sunday) - so I'll be back out with the camera
I love the composition and PP on those shots. You really captured the feel of being there, and of the personality of these cars.