Gothic Seat.

Glen Roberts

Well-Known Member
The Gothic Seat is another of the "Follies" around Hardwick Hall Country Park.
Taken back in September and just got round to processing :o.

Gothic Seat 1 by Shaggy 2070, on Flickr

Gothic Seat 2 by Shaggy 2070, on Flickr

A shot of the "Gothic Seat" Bench.
It's a nice view across the lake towards the Temple of Minerva sitting here;).

Park Bench by Shaggy 2070, on Flickr
Seems like a whole manner of influences eastern orthodox church, moorish, mebe even a little byzantine (?) in the bench.
Definitely an Eastern flavor in the building and bench

Reminds me of the Brighton Pavilion

Would make a rather fetching bus stop ;)
Nicely positioned in the frame in ordr to get straight lines or did you use a TS lens of PP lens correction?
Normally I don't bother and just leave it as it left the camera but this time I had a play with photoshop to try and get the lines straight.
Not too bad for a first attempt...