Grab what's around and shoot.

Garry Lee

Well-Known Member
Poppy my eldest granddaughter is really beautiful but is so fidgety that she's next to impossible to shoot, or to get her to agree to pose.

She agreed a few days ago. Grabbed one of my cameras with a 28-135 Canon attached.
By the time I'd change a lens she might have changed her mind, so I just shot a few quick handheld shots indoors with window light.

The lens doesn't really matter if you have the subject!

Poppy 2 by gearoidmuar, on Flickr
Lovely eye contact with catchlights, really adds life to the image - very nice.

Have you thought about cropping a little off the top just to loose some of the space and tighten it up?

Would make a great toned B&W I think
Lovely shot, Garry. The light is very even. Is it from a window?

It is indeed. I love using a window, at various angles of light, with or without a reflector.
What a lovely portrait Garry. A perfectly caught expression and great lighting. I might be tempted to crop a bit of the space above though to bring the eyes a bit higher up in the frame.

I agree Pete. I'm going to frame this and I usually crop such a photo.
This is a really nice shot Gary, love the expression!
how she has her hand and her hair being a bit all over the show adds to the captured personality very nicely!
Very natural shot indeed...