Grassy Supernova III

And a white background - I figured there was just enough contrast to be had.


Cambo Legend + Cooke 229mm soft focus lens + PhaseOne P45 back. ISO 100, 1s at f1:5.6. Lit using a single spot to the right against a white background. PP in CaptureOne Pro (White balance and raw processing) / LR (crop) and Nik SilverEFEX Pro 2 (grain, toning and border).
Surprisingly, given my keenness for dark images, I prefer this version over the other two. It seems more natural, somehow. The detail seems to flow more naturally. Very nice. Seems more 3D too. Good work, Pedro.
Thanks, Rob. I still can't make my mind up. I did then I didn't and now I do again! My original idea was to shoot it against a black background and I took 3 shots like that (the second shot I have not processed - it is the same as the third but with the light more narrowly focussed and I preferred the third which used a wider beam), but then I took this one out of curiosity. The one thing I'm not keen on are the very light awns that you can see in amongst the others. It does seem more delicate though.