Greg Williams - Insight Blog

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent
Insight is a blog by photographer and director Greg Williams, focused on the technical, practical and artistic decisions presented while working at the converging edges of digital photography and filmmaking.

Greg shares tips on how he got the shot, and there are some real gems in here on technique, lighting etc, as well as some killer shots.


It's also a place to get sneak peeks of new projects, camera gear and movies.

Greg Williams Insight | Greg Williams on photography, film and their convergance.

I’m always in trouble with the guys who comment on forums. They all tell me what I’ve done is technically wrong. Ultimately I’d rather have a beautiful flawed photo than a technically perfect boring one. I think that’s often the other outcome. *I sincerely believe that flaws make images believable.

Right on that man!
Maybe we should invite him here, I can't imagine he would get in the sort of trouble he gets elsewhere!

I wonder if the rollei in the photo is his?

Edit ... No, it's not ...
The extras in this shot are my assistants. We rented some old cameras and I put them in suits.
His tips around getting light into the 'air' in shots is something I'm really going to be thinking about.

I'm sure it's his cinematic experience - using some fogging is just genius!!!