Happy Bearded Man

Brian Moore


At the Golden West College Swap Meet in Huntington Beach, California. (A "swap meet" is a flea market.) I took this image on a rainy day a while back with my Olympus XA and Legacy Pro 400 film which I pushed to 800. I developed the image in Rodinal using a 60 minute semi-stand technique in a dilution of 1:100.
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Interesting character he is. You might also call this Happy Ring Man. Don't often see men wearing a ring on each finger. Can't quite tell if he has a thumb ring.
i'd lop off something non vital to get to one of these flea markets :( i've seen photos from the ones Rin Tanaka runs and they look great for someone like me.

great photo that makes me wanna be there even more
Thanks, Davie. I don't know who Rin Tanaka is.

Ever been to "The Barras" doon in Glasgow? That's a treat for me when I'm back on holiday. I always try to get there one saturday or sunday. Thanks again Davie.
Isn't that the guy from ZZ Top Brian? :D

Looks like you might have been shooting covertly from the hip - or were you just sitting down?
I've used Rodinal in my time. Accentuates grain a little but gives good acutance.
Loads to look at here Brian but the bit of the image that fascinates me is the mannequin: I like the way the ole of the stall behind lines up perfectly with it making it look impaled and the guys hand mirrors the side in shape. Love the bearded guy too and the fact that you can't see his eyes. Looks like someone famous in disguise!! :)
That mannequin does look impaled! Never noticed that. I took this shot back in May. I should check the ZZ Top concert calendar to see if they were playing somewhere locally that weekend. Thanks for the comments, Pete.
Thanks, Davie. I don't know who Rin Tanaka is.

Ever been to "The Barras" doon in Glasgow? That's a treat for me when I'm back on holiday. I always try to get there one saturday or sunday. Thanks again Davie.

I have been to the barras yeah, have to say I never really liked it but then i've never liked Glasgow much after being stabbed there in 1989 lol