Health Warning - Diseases That Plague Photographers

Larry Bolch

Well-Known Member
If you recognize the symptoms, better get checked before it is too late.


Originally published on mansurovs by Bob Vishneski
Diseases That Plague Photographers
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If I'm not suffering from all of those right now I'm sure I have at some point ...
At least all of us here with PFA don't suffer with the Snarkism symptom though eh? ;)

That said, my GAS doesn't go as far as LBA
And my TUB can't be that serious as I haven't ordered a D4 or a xpro1 yet :)
Ahhhhhhhhhhh, penny just dropped Hamish - I thought you had farty issues earlier when you said you has GAS! :D

I clearly have chronic GAS, LBA, PFA and TUB - but at least I do actually use the kit I buy. ;)

I blame my Grandad - when I look back, he always had a new gadget, or a new gizmo.

My first Eumig 8mm Cine camera was his - super hi-tech when he bought it, very flash.

I owe it all to him :) :) :)

And now, when I look in the mirror, I look more and more like him every day :D