Hello from Cleveland, OH USA

Tony Rook

Active Member
Just wanted to say hello to everyone! I was referred to the forum by a current member during a recent visit to Europe.... Glad to have found it!

Tony Rook
Hi Tony
Welcome to the forum!
So we get to hear who recommended the place to you ... I'm intrigued :)

Shall look forward to seeing some pics :)
I'm at a BBQ at the mo, will have more of a look at your pics when I get home
Shifty Pete as hes known here ... Thought it might be him ...
Welcome Tony! :)

Nice to have another US based member - we'll be in double figures before you know it.

Glad you decided to join the forum - and I'm already enjoying your shots from today's posts :) :)
Thanks Chris - it's nice to have the feedback! I'll slowly being adding more... the great thing is that this finally forces me to sort through all my images!