Hello from Kent (UK)

Enzo Cositore

New Member
Hi, I'm Enzo....I live in Ashford Kent.
I was introduced to photography about 12 years ago. In the begining it was just landscape photography, but 4 years ago I discovered that taking pictures of people for me is much more rewarding. So now when ever I can, I'm out there trying to be a witness to life through my photographs...
Hi Enzo

Welcome, Rob is absolutely right the forum is a great place to be..
Welcome Enzo!
Can't wait to see your photos :) like your name, why didn't my parents have more of an adventurous mind in name decision making?! I have a German background..... Names like Meinhard, Karlheinz, Reinhard, Engelbert, Jürgen, or Augustus, would be deemed as cool I think. :)
Welcome to the nut house! :)
Welcome on board Enzo.

So, do you shoot street photography then?
"Engelbert Cattermole"...? "Karlheinz Cattermole"...? "Enzo Cattermole"...? Hmmm...All three have a nice ring. Can't decide! :confused:

Oh never mind,...if I think about this now I'll go crazy; I'll think about it tomorrow.

Welcome to RPF Enzo (Cositore). :)