Hello from the West Country (UK)

Hi all,

just a note to introduce myself. I'm based in the lovely county of Somerset, England and came to this forum from The Art Of Sound (hi-fi being another interest of mine) of which Hamish is a member. There are quite a few snappers of some talent there too, and I'm guessing many will be members here.

I've been into photography since I was a lad - taking it up as a hobby when I was about 12. Getting my first SLR, joining a local camera club, reading eveything and anything photo related - it was a bit of an obsession. Tailed off in my late teens, but was rekindled on going to art college to study Graphic Design, then on to TV production.

My interest was rekindled a few years ago when I got a DSLR kit, but I found that I took the camera with me rarely - it was just too much to lug around. But compacts, good though they are, left me a little cold. Then a friend introduced me to his new toy - an X100. I was smitten, and vowed to find out more. A trip to Bristol to have a play ended up being rather expensive! (not my fault - the guy in the shop did me a deal it was hard to refuse...)

So that's my kit now - and it's made photography fun again for me. I'll post the fruits of my labours (good and bad) as and when!


Hi Jason
so thats 5 of us here with x100's now ... either its a coincidence or these things are selling like hot cakes :)
welcome to the forum matey ... looking forward to seeing some more shots!
Welcome Jason - Nice part of the world you live in - looking forward to seeing your photos, and getting your take on the X100

At this rate we're all going to end up with one - then find out later that Hamish was sponsored by Fuji all this time! LOL

Did I blow your cover their Hamish? - sorry, we can keep the Fuji slush money on the down low if need be... ;)
welcome on board Jason, i am sure you will enjoy your stay around these part, we are a real friendly lot really :-)
welcome to the forum Jason. I'm sure you're going to enjoy this place. Looking forward to see some shots from the X100. Do you have any preferred subjects?

Hi Pete, and thanks for the welcome. No preferred subjects really - anything and everything I guess! I find the X100 makes me want to search out things to photograph in a way that no camera I've owned has done before. Dunno why tho'!