He's No Chinaman!

Brian Moore

An example of a street shot that I shot from the hip last week in Chinatown in SF. I post this in relation to my street shooting question.

Anyway, I'd like to know if you think this kind of street shot has less merit due to the surrepticious nature of its creation.


(Canon F1 and FD 28mm lens with Arista EDU 400 film processed in Rodinal.)

I'd like to know if you think this kind of street shot has less merit due to the surreptitious nature of its creation.

Had the lady in the centre been looking forward it would have worked for me Brian, even more so had she looked into the lens.

I find street candid of this nature very hard to critique because I know what does it for me Brian, and that is two zones. For instance standing in the road and capturing the image looking through into one of those open shops and including the people walking past. Even better if grabbing someone being served in the shop.

I probably ask too much of street candid and in doing so most likely fail to appreciate what others can see so please take my words as only one opinion of many Brian.

Always sacks of kudos for using film!!
I keep coming back to this one Brian. I certainly think you have pretty much perfected shooting from this angle and I know just how difficult it is. I'm inclined to agree with Pete in that I am drawn more by the signs. It's unfortunate that there are people's backs taking up space on the right. Not necessarily a problem, but the woman looking away as well seems to put up a barrier. Chinatown certainly seems to have a lot of possibilities :)
Pete, you're right. He does have a nautical look about him. I suspect, however, he's a less able seaman than once he may have been. Thanks for the comments, Pete.

Lesley, thank you. It was a crowded section, that. And unless you were to put the camera up over your head and shoot you were pretty much guaranteed to have people in the frame from all angles. I just saw Cap'n Haddock's heed emerge through the crowd and took a snapshot.

It's interesting Pete and Lesley that both of you mentioned the signs as a point of interest. Thanks again.