He's only gone and DONE IT!!!

Dan Cattermole

Dan Down - The Steampunk Womble
Congrats! Looking forward to the photos, yes!

A word of caution- I know several people who own D7000s. They're very, very nice cameras but they are often plagued with focus issues and tend to back-focus out of the box. It's not a problem to fix, but don't get frustrated if you got a copy that does that. It's not YOU! Just needs a minor adjustment.
WAY TO GO DAN THE MAN..................!!!

i am sure you will love it i love mine and there very similar models............ is that 18-105mm ? if so i have that lens & defo have no complaints at all.....!!

(god help the girls they gonna get snapped even more........)

cant wait to see some piccies :-) hear you thoughts on the beast

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The camera has a focus adjustment that can detect CPU lenses and automatically use your own fine tuned adjustments. To see if you have correct focus I find focusing on an LCD monitor (when the computer is one) is the easiest way. The moire patterns become very apparent. Well done Dan and if that is indeed the 18-105 I can also say that it is a nice sharp lens. It does have some mental distortions but I didn't find these caused me any real issues at all.
Oh, it has sooooooooo much more tech than the Oly.
There's things on this thing that I didn't even know existed on an DSLR..... Like video mode :p lol

In all honesty, I love the thing. It's superb!!
And I'm loving the 'quite' shutter mode. Haha!! Excellent!
if ever there was a sexy shutter noise award.........Nikon would defo win hahaha
And that's quite reassuring coming from a man who's been on both teams.
And finally Dan owns a camera with which he doesn't have to excuse his decision to own it by claiming it has soul ... About time too! ...

... am I mean? ;)

i hope you are happy together Dan! :)
Its so shiny :D
Cheers H,

I can't deny that the Oly had soal.... But dead it is now. :(

I just can't get over how much tech this thing had over my e600. It's fab!
So many options too!! :)